Public Access to Habitat (P.A.T.H)
Pheasants Forever
Pheasants Forever’s Public Access to Habitat (P.A.T.H) program launched in 2023 to help accelerate enrollment of private lands into public access across South Dakota. P.A.T.H. works in conjunction with South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks Walk In Area program to provide an additional financial incentive to landowners willing to enroll wildlife habitat into the program.
Application Deadline:
P.A.T.H. is open for enrollment year round on a continuous basis.
How to Apply:
Contact a Pheasants Forever Farm Bill Biologist to apply.
To find your local biologist, visit
Links & Resources:
Contact Information:
Matt Gottlob, SD State Coordinator
Tom Zinter, SD Farm Bill Program Manager
The Details
Undisturbed habitat receives a one-time payment of $25/acre from P.A.T.H, in addition to incentive and annual payments from South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks.
Working lands that provide ample hunting opportunity are also eligible with payment rates being determined at time of application by the P.A.T.H. review committee made up of Pheasants Forever biologists.
P.A.T.H. contracts must be enrolled into public access for a minimum of 10 years.
Who’s Eligible?
All private land in South Dakota is eligible to apply. Acceptance into the program is determined by South Dakota Pheasants Forever’s P.A.T.H. Review Committee.