Soil Health Improvement and Planning Project
South Dakota Soil Health Coalition
SD Soil Health Coalition has financial assistance available for various practices.
The Section 319 Nonpoint Source Management Program has designated funds in South Dakota to provide technical and financial assistance to landowners and operators within the program’s active watershed project areas or
near a listed impaired water body who are willing to help improve water quality by adopting certain soil health best
management practices.
This assistance will be administered by the South Dakota Soil Health Coalition (SDSHC) in partnership with
the South Dakota Association of Conservation Districts (SDACD), the Natural Resources Conservation Service
(NRCS), South Dakota Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources (SD DANR), and South Dakota State
University Department of Natural Resource Management
Application Deadline:
Applications always accepted
How to Apply:
Visit Soil Health Planning and Improvement Project for Soil Health | South Dakota Soil Health Coalition ( for more information and an application.
Links & Resources:
Contact Information:
Baylee Lukonen, Soil Health Technician
Cindy Zenk, Executive Director
The Details
Through this program, technical assistance and cost sharing funds are available for planting cover crops; no-till
practices; cropland grazing; pollinator planting; planting forage and biomass in riparian areas; and fencing, perennial planting, and stock watering best management practices for pasture grazing.
SDSHC staff will also provide advice and technical assistance for other conservation practices and work with
landowners to determine the availability of financial assistance for best management practices for their operations.
To qualify for the project’s financial assistance, supported work must occur near an impaired water body or in one
of South Dakota’s active Section 319 watershed project areas. These include: South Central Project, Prairie Coteau Protection Project, Belle Fourche Project, and Big Sioux River Project. Contact staff for eligibility confirmation