Southeast Dakota Prescribed Burn Association (SEDPBA)
Southeastern Dakota Prescribed Burn Association
Our organization wishes to help impact the growing threat of Eastern Red Cedar woody encroachment on our area’s native grasslands and pastures. Members may receive assistance in planning for and implementation of prescribed burning.
Application Deadline:
How to Apply:
Contact us for information or to join.
Contact Information:
Daniel Johnson
(605) 660-7115
Jim Pearson
(605) 760-0180
The Details
We are a group of landowners who wish to promote the safe use of prescribed burning (PB) to slow the spread of woody encroachment on our grasslands in the Missouri, James, and Vermillion River watersheds. We collectively can help like-minded landowners achieve their own prescribed burns. We work closely with NRCS staff who are a knowledgeable and helpful resource.
Who’s Eligible?
(1) Have land in SEDPBA target territory (2) Have homeowner insurance coverage for liability protection (3) Be willing to undergo training about prescribed burning (4) Be willing to help (equipment and fire assistance) other members with their prescribed burns (5) With our help, serve as your own “fire boss” to prepare and execute a well-designed fire plan.