Water Resources Grant Funds available

South Dakota Association of Conservation Districts

Haakon County Conservation District recognizes the need for assistance with dam repair or pipelines/tanks. We hope to assist producers that have been affected by droughts or floods.

Application Deadline:


How to Apply:

Contact the office by phone or email to get an application.

Katie, District Manager-Haakon County Conservation District



409 N Wray Ave, PO Box 130, Philip, South Dakota 57567, US

The Haakon County Conservation District is hoping to improve water resources through the installation of livestock pipelines and tanks or through necessary dam restoration where applicable. We recognize the need for these resources after suffering through drought and flood weather extremes the last 5 years.

Practices must meet NRCS specifications, additionally a grazing plan would be required of all successful applicants.

This grant is limited to Haakon County landowners.